Talking Star Wars
Talking Star Wars
Episode 070 - Exploring Force Powers: Sith Soul Binding
This episode explores the dark mirror to the Jedi’s ability to return as Force Ghosts by examining how the Sith can attempt to prolong their lives by binding their souls to objects as well as by binding the souls of others as servants. From the ancient mask of Exim Panshard that can possess its wearer, to the desperate remnant of The Grand Inquisitor lingering on long after his death, listen now to hear an exploration of all the ways the Sith use this darkest of arts.
This episode mentions content from, and may contain spoilers for: Episodes 1 through 9, The Bad Batch, The Mandalorian, Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (2017 comic), Shadow of the Sith, Star Wars: Dark Legends, The Acolyte, Visions (Season 1), Ahsoka, Star Wars (2020 comic), Rebels (Season 1), and Darth Vader (2020 comic), The Clone Wars, and Knights of the Old Republic (Legends).
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